Ioannis Tsikelis
Doctoral Researcher, Inria Nancy. PhD Candidate, University of Lorraine.

615 Rue du Jardin-Botanique
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy
I am currently a Doctoral Researcher at Inria Centre at Université de Lorraine (LARSEN Team) under the supervision of Dr. Enrico Mingo-Hoffman. My research work focuses on combining model-based methods and machine learning for robotic motion planning and control.
I graduated with a Diploma (Integrated MSc) from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department at the University of Patras, Greece in June 2024. My diploma thesis, entitled "Motion Planning of Robotic Systems Using Numerical Methods" was co-supervised by Prof. Emmanouil Psarakis and Prof. Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis and involved generating complex trajectories for dynamical systems by formulating the motion planning task as a numerical optimisation problem.
As a student, I was a member of the University of Patras Robotics Club, an interdisciplinary team of students aimed at designing and constructing small and medium size robots for various competitive scenarios. Working with the team provided me with useful insight on all aspects of robotic system design. Our robots have been awarded numerous times internationally.